Our Services
Get Involved
Whether you are an executor of an estate, looking to sell your collections or
downsizing your home, DGW can guide you through the process of selling items
at our auction.
DGW provides a complimentary and confidential consultation with potential
consignors to determine their requirements and establish a mutual expectation of
value. At this time, details such as consignment agreement marketing, reserves
and scheduling can be discussed.
DGW also provides Onsite Home Auctions.
D.G.W. Appraisal Service operates independently of D.G.W. Auctioneers, Inc. Our function is to provide our Clients with accurate, unbiased third-party valuations specific to their intended use, whether for estate, insurance, marital dissolution, donation, cost allocation, resale or liquidation purposes.
Our qualified appraisers are experienced with the valuation of all types of personal property from fine art and antiques to technical equipment and business machinery.
As professionals, they understand the value definitions, methodologies and appropriate markets applicable to each appraisal assignment.
Our appraisers hold memberships in nationally recognized professional appraisal associations and adhere to the ethical principles and procedures prescribed by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
An appraisal is an unbiased opinion of the value of an identified property as of a specific date. It begins with a consultation, usually by telephone to understand the client’s intended use of the report. The use of the appraisal report determines the appropriate value being sought.
After physical inspection and evaluation of the property, appropriate markets are researched. The document is then prepared containing a thorough inventory of the property, complete with photographs, which describes the value conclusions drawn from the market analysis.
Personal property appraisals are conducted for the estate tax, probate, insurance purposes, equitable distribution, charitable contributions, marital and business dissolutions, lease buy-outs, cost allocation, resale, and liquidation.
A client must employ an appraiser who understands the appropriate approaches to value, as well as the potential consequences if the appraisal is conducted incorrectly; ie, under-insuring or overpayment of premiums; excessive tax payment or penalties; interest charges; legal and accounting fees or other costly repercussions.

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