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Lot 314

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Lot 314: 19th C. English Woolwork Picture. Central Vignette Surmounted By A Crown And Surrounded By Flags. 17" X 25 3/4". Birds Eye Maple Frame.

19th C. English Woolwork Picture. Central Vignette Surmounted By A Crown And Surrounded By Flags. 17" X 25 3/4". Birds Eye Maple Frame.


Title: 19th C. English Woolwork Picture. Central Vignette Surmounted By A Crown And Surrounded By Flags. 17" X 25 3/4". Birds Eye Maple Frame.

Description: 19th C. English Woolwork Picture. Central Vignette Surmounted By A Crown And Surrounded By Flags. 17" X 25 3/4". Birds Eye Maple Frame.
19th C. English Woolwork Picture. Central Vignette Surmounted By A Crown And Surrounded By Flags. 17" X 25 3/4". Birds Eye Maple Frame.
19th C. English Woolwork Picture. Central Vignette Surmounted By A Crown And Surrounded By Flags. 17" X 25 3/4". Birds Eye Maple Frame.